Color me White...nope!

A 'peaches n cream' complexion is what makes a person worth it. This is what I kept on hearing through out my growing up years. Born in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh and in a family which carried 'peaches n cream' genes and often complemented for just the right complexion, growing up did give me a tinted vision that white is lovely and beautiful and brown is not so nice. What is fed into mind in your formative years does sit very rigidly in the corners of your mind. But then apart from schooling and absorbing learnings from the environment, Life itself is the biggest teacher. Soon I was meeting people who were not so white yet very nice! Very sadly, in this age and time also, we pay huge attention to the skin color. Beauty is skin deep and so is the heart and brain. What IQ a person holds, what talent he or she harbours and how congenial or warm the person is, has nothing to do with the color of the outer covering we have..a very simple fact yet so convenien...